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How to manage uterine prolapse



How to manage uterine prolapse

Bovine prolapsed uterus refers to the abnormal positioning of the bovine uterus after calving.
It is most common in dairy cattle and can occur in beef cows occasionally with hypocalcaemia.
Uterine prolapse is considered a medical emergency which puts the cow at risk of shock or death by blood loss.

Factors that increase the risk of having a uterine prolapsed include:
1. calving complications that causes injury or irritation of the external birth canal,
2. severe straining during labour, or excessive pressure when pulling out a calf.
Non-calving factors include:
1.nutrition problems such as low calcium level in blood
2. magnesium,
3. protein, or generally poor body conditions.

You have two option
1. reduction or replacemt
2. amputation or cut off
If you decide to replace back follow these rules

Before treatment you have to focus and manage these three conditions
1. Placenta
2. Trauma
3. Gross haemorhage

Differential diagnosis.
Uterine prolapse can often be confused with vaginal prolapse.
A vaginal prolapse is a small pink or red ball of tissue ranging from the size of a grapefruit to a soccer ball.
It is expelled from the animal before calving, whereas a uterine prolapse takes place after calving.

1. Using lignocaine for epidural anesthesia to reduce straining.

Solution to use a clean
1. Iodine
2. Sugar
3. Warm water
4. Salt

How to manage uterine prolapse
1. Hold the animal to stop it running away. Keep dogs and chickens away from the animal.
2. Clean the uterus with water or with soap or antiseptic and water.
3. Keep the uterus off the ground and keep it wet with a large wet cloth.
4. Remove pieces of placenta stuck to the uterus gently by hand if possible.
5. Many people put about 1 kg sugar or molasses on to the uterus to make it smaller.
6. A cow or buffalo has a large uterus. It is heavy and difficult to push back
7. If possible lay the animal down on its chest and pull the back legs out. This makes it much easier to put the uterus back.
8. Get someone to sit on the animal's back and hold the tail up.
9. Make sure the uterus get back its possition by pushing on your arm or using base of the clean bottle
10. Put antibiotics on the uterus and also inject
11. Encourage the new-born animal to suck the mother as soon as possible. This makes the mother release a hormone (called oxytocin) into her blood that makes the uterus contract. Skilled workers can give oxytocin injections
to make the uterus contract
12. Some people stitch or clamp the vulva closed. This sometimes helps to stop the uterus coming out again. Remove the stitches or clamp after 4-5 days.

Dairy's Dark Secret


Are We Aware Of What Dairy Animals Suffers? 

   A total of 570 million dairy farms by 150 million farmers are serving about 1 billion people worldwide nowadays. In particular, there are about 133 million holdings keeping dairy cattle; 28.5 million keeping buffaloes; 41 and 19 million keeping goats and sheep respectively. Dairy Animals are popular assets are among rural peoples.

Dairy farming is continuously standing with millions of lives 

          Milk and dairy products are nutrient dense foods supplying energy and significant amounts of protein and micronutrients including calcium, magnesium, selenium, riboflavin, vitamins B5 and B12, which are essential to reduce hunger and malnutrition particularly amongst the most vulnerable (e.g. pregnant women and children).

           Dairy cows are directly owned by women in 25% of cattle keeping households , which implies that over 37 million of dairy farms are female-headed.   Women, however, regardless of their owning milk animals, play a major role in dairy production systems: they often feed the animals; milk them; clean the animals and their stall; compost manure and are often responsible for breeding, health and the sale of milk. Simply speaking, Milk production is supporting Women Empowerment.

          Processing activities, from pasteurization to yogurt manufacturing, not only add value to raw milk but also create jobs. Employment is a major pathway out of poverty and job creation is a global challenge: 470 million jobs are needed globally for new entrants to the labor market between 2016 and 2030. Evidence from Bangladesh, Kenya and Ghana suggests that for every 100 litres of milk traded between 1.2 and 5.7 full time jobs are created.

         While intake of dairy products is part of a healthy diet, zoonotic and food-borne diseases originating from dairy animals can be harmful for people.

           The global dairy herd is converting materials that are not edible to humans into high quality protein and essential micro-nutrients. The global dairy herd consumes about 2.5 billion tons of dry matter feed annually, about 40% of the global livestock feed intake. 77% of this is grass and straws.

            The dairy herd contributes to greenhouse gas emissions, especially through rumination. Dairy animals produce around 3.1 gigatons of CO2 equivalent per year or 40% of global livestock emissions, with dairy cattle accounting for 75% of it. Enteric methane represent 51% to 67% of the herd’s emissions, depending on the species and production system.

Knowing this all .. are we unknown of what they are going through?,


                  Cows in the dairy industry suffer their entire lives. From the moment they enter this world they are treated like commodities. 

    Just like humans, cows only produce milk for their offspring. Therefore, they are forcefully impregnated every year. A female and her offspring are forced through a cycle of cruelty that ends with their slaughter.


            Much  like  humans, cows  have  strong  maternal  instincts  but a  mother’s bond with her calf has no place on factory dairy farms. Shortly  after birth, calves are dragged  away from their mother never to be seen again. A cow will  have to go through this painful  process every year of her life. The milk she produces for her calf is instead taken from her and sold to consumers.


After being torn away from their mothers, calves will spend much of their lives in extreme confinement. In fact, most will spend the first 2 to 3 months of life confined in lonely barren hutches, fed a diet of milk replacer while humans drink the milk intended for them.

Painful Manipulations are operated ..

          Like Branding
                     Tail Docking

 Cows in the dairy industry face the same fate as those in the meat industry. They are killed when their milk production declines. No cow is allowed to live out their natural lifespan of up to 25 years. In fact, 20% of the beef sold in stores comes from cows who were exploited by the dairy industry.

After being transported long distances cows are forced into stun boxes. Inside these chambers, they are shot in the head, a process meant to render them unconscious. However, many are still conscious when they have their throats slit.





How Is Caponization done in Poultry?





                                                    Caponization is a surgical removal of testes from a rooster in order to improve the quality of carcass and meat . The testes are removed during this process with the help of surgical equipment and a trained technician. It may sound little odd to many of the people but Caponization is still in practice in countries like China, Nepal.     


 When this is done the bird can grow longer, gets larger and can also be used as a broody as their hormones are now that of a hen's.


There are two types of Caponization

1.       Surgical Caponization

2.       Chemical Caponization (Payne and Wilson 1999).

Manual Removal of Testes in Roosters

                  Equipment's Required

·         Surgical Blade

·         Disinfectant

·         Gloves

·         Forceps

·         Suture thread

·         Suture needle

·         Scissors

·         Betadine ( Povidone Iodine)

How is Caponization performed in rooster?

               At first restrain the rooster to be caponized properly. With the help of the scissor trim down the feathers from the vent to caudal of chest bone. Clean the area with the disinfectant available and after that start penetrating the mid ventral region in between vent and chest bone. Be safe no to cut nerves, make a cut so that max. two fingers can be taken inside the abdomen. Softly palpate by finger to find testes. Slightly curve your finger and try to snatch the testes by applying very less effort and without harming the testes.

After you become successful, start suture with Simple interrupted suture and apply betadine in the surface after suturing. Isolate the capon for a day.



Webinar on gut health April 29


Webinar on gut health April 29 

                    healthy gut is pivotal for pigs of all ages to be able to thrive. If for whatever reason the gut doesn’t perform optimally, a pig producer will notice the effects immediately: sub-optimal growth, diarrhoea, secondary diseases and welfare issues. This webinar aims to address a healthy gut in pigs and will highlight various strategies that can be used to promote gut health, with a focus on dietary components.

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To attend the Webinar scroll down,

Lien Vande Maele, DVM, Central Technical Manager at Orffa

"Betaine: a multifactorial solution to support piglets gut health".

Betaine positively influences the gut of weaning piglets and is often forgotten when thinking about possible additives to ameliorate gut health. In this presentation, we want to highlight the different opportunities for betaine to support nutrient digestion and absorption, improve the physical barrier of protection, impact microbiota and enhance piglets defense.

Anouschka Middelkoop PhD, Researcher in swine nutrition at Schothorst Feed Research

"A structured nutritional approach to optimize piglet gut health".

Current pig production will continue to face challenges relating to gut health and performance in piglets. This emphasises the need for a structured nutritional approach over time, starting for the first days after birth to the first weeks post-weaning, aiming to reduce piglet mortality, morbidity and antimicrobial use. In this introductory presentation we will guide you through the various gastro-intestinal challenges that pigs are facing and how piglet diets can be formulated to optimize piglet gut health.

Rene Schepens, Director of European Protein

"The role of sow feed in successful piglet weaning".

Rene is an Agricultural Engineer specialised in pigs and has more than three decades of experience in the feed industry, working as an Advisor, Commercial Director and Co-owner

Register HERE for the Webinar.

Grab 1000$ Student Scholarship From PSA


 Student Of The Year Award

The PSA Hatchery is accepting the application till June 1,2021. The main purpose of this award is to recognize the exceptional PSA student member in the time period of August 2020 to March 2021. Full details and application requirements along with the submission form can be read by clicking  here 

Kadaknath A Complete Breed Of Poultry?


What is Kadaknath?

                               Kadaknath, a poultry breed; originated from Madhyepradesh of India. Jhabua district is famous for Kadaknath breed. Beside that people from Gujarat and Rajesthan are also raring this breed since long time. Kadaknath, also called Kali Masi ("fowl having black flesh"),

Why is this breed in talk nowadays?

                                  Having a high source of nutrients, meat of this breed have very carbs and fat compared to other breed ,,,to be continued...

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  • Jenish AdhikariStudent / DVM